Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Evolution of a Nickname

Before Sylvie was born, I had a lot to think about- like what baby’s nickname would be. I have always liked bunnies, and I think they are cute, so I decided if the nickname fit I would call my baby bunny. (I know…weird.)

Sylvie was born and Bunny was soon shortened to BunBun. And then Buns.

(It is never Bun, however, because that is Ralph’s nickname from his mom. So Buns is more appropriate, since she is the daughter of Bun.)

Buns has many appendages (right word?) that work out great as a nickname. Here are a few of our favorites:

Buns of Steel

Hot Cross Buns (when she is in a bad mood)

Sweet Buns

Sleepy Buns

Buns on the run

Stinky Buns

1 comment:

Heather said...

Not that nicknames are ever all that great, but Buns is better than poor Emersen's nickname which is Whammers.