Thursday, June 14, 2012

Freud would be proud

Sylvie said this at dinner the other night. And YES- I am posting this on the internet.  It doesn't mean anything, she is just a little girl who loves her daddy. 
Happy Father's day Daddy!  haha.

Sylvie rambles.  All talk, all the time.  Sometimes I think I am crazy listening to her- where does she come up with this stuff?  She also comes up with little scenerios: what if mommy was little, what if this was my baby, Elephants are my pets, Princesses are my friends- all kinds of stories.  So at dinner she came up with this one. 

All in one breath, mind you, she say's: 

'Mommy.  If you were the baby then you would sleep in my bed and daddy and I would sleep in mommydaddys bed.  You would be the baby in the bed and I would go to mommydaddys bed. right? right mommy.'