Monday, January 18, 2010

Time Out

We have started to introduce Sylvie to Time Out when she is bad (this is rare..ha). The time out corner is designated as the corner where the bathroom and hall meet- we close the bathroom door. Sylvie has gone to time out about 3 times in the week since we have started- all of them with Ralph or I sitting with her saying 'this is time out' ect.
Tonight, Sylvie was testing our limits and standing on the seat of her mini coupe car. This is NOT allowed. I told her to get out of her car and go to time out, then moved the car so she could not get in it. I said 'we are going to time out now' and before I could move she was running down the hall. Ralph and I just stared at each other- we thought she was running to our bedroom door to open it and go inside (yes...she can now open doors). To our UTMOST surprise, Sylvie ran to the time out corner and SAT DOWN facing the corner and was quiet!
Ralph and I could not hold it together. We laugh when we realize how smart our girl is. We were dying trying to be serious- telling her to stay in time out. When she realized we were laughing (at her smartness mind you) she quickly got up and ran to our bedroom door to get in more trouble.

Oh well....maybe next time we will be more successful in disciplining our child!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Sylvie McKenzie Harrison
17 months and 1 week old
-says 'hi' all the time
-calls me Nana, not Mama
-says Dada constantly!
-still gives great hugs
-now gives kisses! Mostly to her Dada
-loves to show off her tummy. Laughs when she see's Mama's tummy
-is very 'energy' conscious. She closes all doors. Turns off all lights that she can reach when we carry her. In the morning, she turns off her crib soother and lullaby seahorse to not waste the batteries when Ralph or I come and get her.
-loves her mini coupe that great grandfather gave her for Christmas. She will get in and out of her car all day long! Sometimes she has minor car accidents when she gets in and out, nothing serious but it does scare her. She crawls away from all accidents.
-will find our slippers and bring them to us and try to put them on. For this reason we sometimes call her 'sales lady'
-Still is the only girl in her class at 'school'. She says two of the boys names- Daniel and Nillo. Sometimes at dinner we ask where Daniel is. She will look around the room, and shake her head- no he's not here!
-uses a fork- def. not to the best of her ability
-has been waking up at night again for some reason. Cries for about 20 min at a time :(
-Still loves bathtime and bed time!
-loves books
-also loves to clean up (yes!)
-had her first serious illness over Christmas. At one point I has holding her and thought I burned my skin she was so hot with fever
- Mama couldn't love any little girl more!
-her teacher at daycare comments on how smart she is every day ;)
-and how bossy she is......when the babies need their diaper changed, the teacher just tells them that it is time and they walk over to the changing station. Some babies don't get this yet, so Sylvie pushes them along to the right place.
-she has a potty seat! So far- she likes to sit on it clothed
-has no idea that in 4 short months she will have a new cousin and a new brother!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's a .......

Boy! We were very excited to find out on Thursday that the new baby is a boy! I have heard that hte ultrasounds can be wrong, but if a boy part was there- I am pretty sure it is not going anywhere! Ralph and I are just thrilled. Of course we would have loved a girl but knowing we will have one of each just clarify's it for us that we can be done!
And now for the hard part....coming up with a name. Coming up with Sylvie's name was very easy. This will be harder. We have a lot to think about....Ralph is an IV so we have to decide if we want to carry on the tradition of his name or change the tradition. We have a few other names we are thinking of- but Ralph is a top contender. On a side note, if it was a girl we have a name picked out. This boy this is already starting to be difficult! :)
I cannot decide what I like better...finding out at birth what sex the baby is or finding out at 20 weeks. I guess there is no way to compare- both ways are surprising and fun in their own right. I will say what I do like about finding out at 20 weeks- it is a fun and exciting thing to look forward to in the middle of your pregnancy. Otherwise it makes for a long pregnancy! Now I can start 'bonding' with my boy and know what to expect (somewhat) out of him! ha.
After this wonderful moment finding out that we are having a boy, I had a somewhat unnerving appointment with the doctor. I want to have a VBAC and think it is my right to have one (it is my body after all...) but apparently my doctor just does not care. He will let me have one, as long as the baby comes before 40 weeks. But if my water breaks and I am not in labor- he will schedule a c section. So I have to decide if I want to change docs, how important a VBAC and TOL are, or if I just want to chance it with him. I do think my best interests are in his mind (somewhat) becuase it is dangerous- but if I really want one why can he not understand this and just blow me off? So.... back to square one of finding a doc. BUT at the same time, the midwifes at the practice I go to are very understanding - but they still have to answer to the doctors. I just have to decide (and probably sooner rather than later) what is really important to me. With all of this said, I want to clarify that however the baby comes out, I will be extremely happy that the baby and me are healthy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Evolution of a Nickname

Before Sylvie was born, I had a lot to think about- like what baby’s nickname would be. I have always liked bunnies, and I think they are cute, so I decided if the nickname fit I would call my baby bunny. (I know…weird.)

Sylvie was born and Bunny was soon shortened to BunBun. And then Buns.

(It is never Bun, however, because that is Ralph’s nickname from his mom. So Buns is more appropriate, since she is the daughter of Bun.)

Buns has many appendages (right word?) that work out great as a nickname. Here are a few of our favorites:

Buns of Steel

Hot Cross Buns (when she is in a bad mood)

Sweet Buns

Sleepy Buns

Buns on the run

Stinky Buns

Trying to Catch Up

I have been trying to catch up, but a few things are hinder this process.
1) I am pregnant and extremely tired! After Sylvie goes to bed aroudn 7pm, I soon (to my embarrassment) follow and go to bed myself. This leaves little time for fun activities :(
2) Our computer has become very sllloooooowww. This hinders the process of uploading photos.
3) Our photo editing software has decided to call it quits. Therefor, I do not want to put up photos that are not to their best ability.
For this reason, I will catch up with words only (BORING!). Here it goes:

-Halloween 2009- Sylvie was a gnome! We all went to Heather and Bert's house and had a grand ole time!
-Heather and Bert had their beautiful baby Camryn on Sept 3! She is now 3 mo old and cuter than ever!
-We celebrated Thanksgiving at Yai Yai and PaPa's house in Austin. What a great time! I loved every minute of it and Sylvie loved playing with her cousins Jamie and Emily. The 14 hour drive, I did not love so much. The total round trip drive ended up being about 40 house.
-Christmas! Sylvie had RSV before Christmas, and Pneumonia after Christmas. It was a rough two weeks, but Sylvie was a trouper and made it through! We celebrated at Grandma and Granpa's house in the morning, and then Grams and Opa's house for Dinner and Opa's Birthday. It was a great time and love spending time with all of my family!

That about covers it. Hopefully I will get pics up soon...but I would not hold your breath if I were you.