Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pictures are back...I hope.....

Sylvie had a very exciting weekend a few weekends ago. On Friday night, it snowed about 4". Sylvie went out in the snow on Saturday morning for a little bit and was none too thrilled. I wouldn't be either if I fell in it and it was wet and cold, and the snow went up to my knees and I couldn't walk. Maybe when she is older she will appreciate it more.
On Saturday, Aunt Rochelle took Sylvie to the Big Apple Circus! What a great day! Sylvie came home exhausted and Rochelle had some great stories. Sylvie loves the circus already and could not take her eyes off the show! On Sunday it was Valentines Day, so her mommy and daddy got her some books and an Elmo movie. What an exciting weekend for our baby! While Sylvie was out all weekend, Ralph and I got to spend some time with Katherine and Brian and go shopping.
Here is Sylvie trying on Daddy's shoes.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

18 months!

Sylvie had her 18 mo check up this week. She is perfectly healthy, but has stopped growing so fast! She is now in the 80% for height and head size, and 60% for weight. All of these used to be in the 90% just a few months ago.
And what would a post about Sylvie be without some bragging about my beautiful daughter? Her Dr. office just loves her. They all know her by name and she walks in like she owns the place. She waves to her nurse through the waiting room window every time the nurse walks by. The Dr. takes her around the office after he checks her out to show her off and she 'Miss America' waves to everyone. I think it is wonderful that she feels so comfortable there- it is a Dr.'s office after all!
Sylvie also is doing very well at 'school'. She shares very well with all her friends and enjoys going every morning.
Sylvie is also 'talking' constantly. It is the sweetest thing I have ever heard - baby babble. I need to record it so I can remember this sound forever. It instantly puts me in a good mood and makes me smile.
As for getting ready for the new baby- I think that Sylvie might have a small idea of what is going to happen. She gets excited when she sees babies on the tv or in books, and in real life. She carries around a small baby doll she has and covers her with a blanket. But she also throws this baby on the ground and leaves her there for hours so...... :)
The new baby, Wade (possible name??), is doing great! He is growing and kicking a lot now and we cannot wait for his arrival (me especially- no more pregnancy please). Ralph and I might have come to agreement on the name, but time will tell :). I think we might have to meet this baby first to confirm the name and make sure it fits his personality. It is really nice knowing that the baby is a boy. I feel one step closer to knowing him already.
As for docs, we might have find a new one. I am in the middle of juggling Dr.s to see which one might be the best fit and it is very confusing! I only have Thursdays to go to the doctor and I end up with two appt's at the same time at different offices. We have an appt. with a new Dr. next week (and the old Dr. for that matter)- he has a good recommendation and Ralph and I have a good feeling about this. We will keep you posted!