Monday, February 27, 2012


Wade is such a sweet potato! He is a snuggler at 21 months just like as a baby. He is just learning some words, besides the regulars- Daddy, Mama, up, and down. He says little sentences but usually only words a mama, daddy and big sister can understand. He has started sitting in a booster chair at the dinner table- next to his sister of course- they wouldn't have it any other way. They play with each other FINALLY. It starts with lots of laughter and always ends in tears from one of them or both. They do not share, and I wonder if they ever will!

He is a huge fan of the tv (don't judge- I enjoy the third parent as well). His favorite show is Yo Gabba Gabba, which usually leaves the whole family entranced. Wade knows when the show is about to be over- every episode he does the same thing. He realizes it's almost done, says 'UH OH' then searches the room with his eyes for the remote control. He finds it and runs to it, grabs it, brings it to either Ralph or I and say's 'GaouGaou' (his version of Gabba Gabba). So he might not talk to much, but the boy can communicate about tv. :)

This boy can sleep anywhere and everywhere (he's knows how to lay around like his mama!). On the weekends he is usually sprawled out on the couch, half on/ half on our lazy boy, and straight up laying about on the floor. He does a lot more than his sister did at this age, like juice drinking, bc he see's her do it and we tend to give in (as long as it is reasonably okay). I can tell they love each other and they certainly wonder where the other is when they are alone. It is amazing watching them grow and learn, and also watching them do it together. My life has just gotten a little easier now that Sylvie helps put Wade's shoes and socks on, holds his hand and she is also more independent. I wouldn't change a thing, but boy am I glad they are growing up :)

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