Every October Ralph and I drive up to Tallulah Falls with friends and family to camp and see the leaves changing. This year we opted not to sleep in a tent (we thought this might be bad news with a 2 month old) and stayed in a cabin. It was a great cabin right on the water with heat and all the comforts of home- so many comforts from home, in fact, that our Explorer was packed to its capacity. Sylvie didn't even know she wasn't at home. She was all prepared with her warm weather gear.

The first night we always have steaks and baked potatoes. Ralph outdid himself when buying the steaks this year- look at the size of them! I must say though that he ate the whole thing! Amazing. I only could eat the filet side of mine. It was so good.

Sometimes she gets tired of this and just wants peace and quit. Here she is sheilding her face from the camera, as if I was a paparazzi. Doesn't she know that her mother is a photograher?

Saturday it was a beautiful day. I put Sylvie in her baby Bjorn carrier and we went for a walk. Here is some of the wonderful scenery we found.

Here is is pointing out her bald spot though. She's growing her hair as fast as she can, Grandpa! :)

She really loves being outside and didn't seem to mind the cold. She was bundled up pretty good with hats, mittens and sweaters and blankets the whole time though.

Lots of dogs join us camping.
Zuma, the smallest and most fierce (fashionably and personality wise!)

Karen and Mike's beautiful white German Shepard Luna. The sweetest dog you could know!

On Saturday we all also went to a local farm to go through a corn maze and get some apple cider. They also had the best peach cider!
I am always intrigued by businesses that advertise with happy characters of the foods they sell. Doesn't the happy apple in the sign realize that he is about to be eaten- by everybody at his store???

Sylvie had her first halloween pictures taken here with the pumpkins. She is a princess spider! 

And here she is attacking her daddy!

All in all it was a great weekend! We cannot wait for next year!
Sylvie Mac is the cutest baby EVER!
Grandpa shouldn’t be pointing out ANYONE’S bald spot!
I look forward to many more camping trips.
Grandma Steph
I love love love the spider costume!!
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