So much has happneded since our last post! Sylvie is now 11 weeks old and she is just great. she is holding her head up all on her own now, she is about 13 lbs and growing and sleeps around 6-7 hours a night (for the most part). We sure can't complain!
At her two month check up she had her first round of immunizations. That was definitely hard to watch but she has a trooper. She cried for awhile, I think her little feelings were hurt, but she was smiling on the way out of the office.
Yesterday we went on an outting to see my sister -in- laws grandmother -so....Sylvie's Great Grandmother -in- law?? :)
We were complete with vistors passes and all. 

Sylvie has a tad bit upset but when we walked in Great Grandma -in- laws apartment she was happy as could be! Once she heard Mrs. Pryors voice she was all smiles and it was like she's known her for years!

Both Opa and Uncle Brian were great at this.

Last weekend was Sylvie's first BBQ at Tim and Michele's house. She wanted to match mommy and daddy so she wore jeans and a t shirt.

She really liked hanging out with daddy and talking with the guys.

This was a bit tiring so she passed out in her stoller by a nice window.

Most of the time we just hang out at home and play with our beautiful daughter! She is doing something new each day and is such a joy!

This one's for all the grandmothers....

and thanks to Sylvie for taking a long nap so mommy could post this long post!

She is so beautiful!!! What a doll!!!
Awesome photographs!
What a beautiful baby!
-Jenn & Weber
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