Thursday, October 11, 2012


They say that time flies as you get older.  I can pinpoint the day this  happened-  August 1, 2008.  I was in the hospital waiting for my first baby.  I look back at that day and think, what did I do until 10:35 at night?  I didn't watch TV, I didn't read, I didn't listen to music, I am not sure I even talked to anyone.  All I remember is tracing with my eyes the outline of the pregnant women illustration on the bed frame that was right in my line of sight when I turned my head to the right.  I can still see that illustration.  It took my mind off things, the curves of the pregnant belly, her flowing line drawn hair, her not swollen feet and legs. That is what I did for 24 hours, and I remember it being maybe two at the most. 

The baby I was waiting for is now FOUR.  Four years have past, and it feels like maybe two years at the most.  She is intelligent, SO sweet, funny, bossy, loving, a little mean (to her brother mostly), fashionable, knows what she wants, loves ice cream and lollipops.  She is everything I have always wanted and expected her to be.  I look at her and cannot believe she used to be so tiny.  She says to me all the time: 'Mommy.  When will I grow little again?'.  Oh to have her little again.  I wouldn't change anything for the world. 

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