Friday, February 11, 2011

It's the little things

Mama: 'Sylvie, we are having pizza tonight. You're favorite!'
Sylvie (upset and whiney): 'I don't waaaant pizza. I want Donalds.'
Mama: 'Really? And what would you get from McDonalds?'
Sylvie: 'napkins'

The next day on the way to Rochelle and Sassans house:
Mama: 'Sylvie, do you want chicken nuggets from McDonald's or a burger with cheese?'
Sylvie: 'noooooooooo'
Mama: 'okay. What would you like?'
Sylvie: 'I want Uncle Sassan'

Also, Don't judge me on our weekend food choices. :)

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