Saturday, December 24, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I picked Wade up from daycare yesterday. He had just been put down from the arms of the high school girl the daycare has helping them in the afternoons. Wade see's me, cries, turns around and puts his arms up for the girl to pick him up- and she does. He then leans in for a kiss and kisses her on the cheek. THEN he puts his arms out for me to take him.
Oh Wade- he loves his ladies.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011
They Just Can't Coexist
The following is a display of my failure.
Easter 2011. What is Sylvie doing, giving Wade the Heimlich??

Mother's Day 2011
August 2011

Sylvie's Third Birthday. Not happening.

...the most recent. Beach trip 2011. sigh.

Monday, August 15, 2011
Sylvie: Mama, you're a girl.
Mama: That's right Sylvie.
S: Daddy, you're a boy!
Mama: That's correct. And Sylvie, what is Wade?
S: Wade...I think.... Wade is a Big Boy.
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Finally it was Sylvie’s turn. She went right up to the hairdresser and choose the Buzz Lightyear car to sit in. She acted so grown up, I couldn’t believe it. Sylvie turned her head every way the hairdresser asked. She listened and was quite and in awe. The whole time she had her little pout face on that she was born with. Here in front of me sat the exact person that used to be my baby, but she was all grown up. I took one million pictures, of course, and I cannot get over how her little face looks so young when just minutes before she was looking so old to me. Yes, there were tears in my eyes. How am I going to make it as she grows older, if I cannot even handle a hair cut??
This girl will be three on Monday. She has no more baby fat, except in her cheeks at some angles. She is tall. She fake laughs. She talks all the time. She loves and hugs and kisses. She still takes care of her dolls. She now goes to bed with no problems (JINX). She pushes her brother. She knows how to use my (her) iPad better than I do. She recognizes letters and numbers. She knows her name begins with an S. She loves happy birthdays. She specifically asked for a Barbie Princess bike for her birthday. She doesn’t eat dinner but wants a banana (bobana) an hour later.

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I met Wade-o one year ago today. He completed my little family and my heart. He brings happiness, sensitivity and danger into our home. This was all foretold the second he was born when Ralph and I were elated with the happiness of his birth, warmed by his sweetness and scared to death by his silence. He is a trooper and has taught me patience, understanding and love all over again. He has also giving the greatest gift to Sylvie and made her a big sister. Happy Birthday to our little (ha…) Wade!
My dear Wade, I love everything about you. The things about you that I never want to forget are (I am sure this list will grow as I think of more):
the way you cry until you get your bottle in the morning. the way you tummy is always showing. the way you look like a 2 year old in size. your laugh and squint-y smile eyes (smize). the way you love when your sister hugs you. your fearlessness when climbing the chair in our living room. your pout-y bottom lip. your sensitivity when you know we are talking about you. the way you get upset when you are not eating the same food we are eating. the way you let me hold you at night (please don't ever stop this!). the way you go right to sleep at 7pm. the way you play in your crib until sylvie wakes up in the morning. the way you splash in the bath. the way you only say dada (hinthint). your love of all things firetruck. your small feet. your beautiful blue eyes. your low crawl. the way you have turned into a little boy these past two weeks, and not just a baby.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Her favorite phrases are : 'no', 'i know', 'not you', and 'oh man'
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Signs of Summer

The first sign of Summer- it's too hot already. Not sure I will make it. :)
Sylvie likes to play outside at all hours of the day. Now that she is old enough I can just open the sliding door and send her out to our backyard. She usually takes the kitty and one of her dolls. Christmas Baby is her favorite right now. They go everywhere together.

Obviously we are original when naming the dolls. Sylvie already had a baby named Baby when she got this doll for Christmas, so we named her Christmas Baby. We also have a Laylie, which is just 'baby' before Sylvie could say 'baby' properly.
Wade gets really upset when Sylvie is outside and he is not. He cries at the screen door till I give in and go outside, and melt, with them.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Confucious Say......
Sylvie: Iiiiiiiiim done (she is a whiner. That is my next project- get her to stop whining!)
Ralph: what do you say?
Sylvie: (big smiles and laughs)
Ralph: Are you ready to be excused?
Sylvie: yes. I want to go play.
Ralph: Sylvie- say ‘may I please’
Sylvie: may I please
Ralph: ‘be excused’
Sylvie: scuse me!
Ralph: now say it in a sentence
Sylvie: ina sentence
Nooooot reeeeally what he is going for. But it’s too cute so we let her go. I think it is becoming a problem though- because I catch her saying please follow by ‘ina sentence’ when she wants something.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Bully or just Two years old?

Thursday, February 24, 2011
no hands
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Obstacle Course
Wade is getting ready for the military already. He is crawling and it resembles a military low crawl. He uses his right arm to pull himself forward and his left arm is tucked into his chest. His left elbow/ forearm acts as a stump and propells him. The whole time his belly is on the floor. His legs, straigt and barely moving.
Friday, February 11, 2011
It's the little things
Sylvie (upset and whiney): 'I don't waaaant pizza. I want Donalds.'
Mama: 'Really? And what would you get from McDonalds?'
Sylvie: 'napkins'
The next day on the way to Rochelle and Sassans house:
Mama: 'Sylvie, do you want chicken nuggets from McDonald's or a burger with cheese?'
Sylvie: 'noooooooooo'
Mama: 'okay. What would you like?'
Sylvie: 'I want Uncle Sassan'
Also, Don't judge me on our weekend food choices. :)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I'm Amazing
I'm Amazing
By Ocieanna Fleiss
I heard it first at Starbucks. I ordered “calm” tea (needed it). When the barista, a cute, funky little thing, dropped in the teabag, she forgot to secure the string. The tail landed ploink in the hot water. “I’m a little brain dead today,” she said. “But don’t worry, I’m amazing.” She smiled mischievously (not unlike my 2-year-old son). “A little conceited,” she added, “but amazing.”
I traipsed to my table, and as I sat cherishing my alone time, she had the other baristas giggling. “I’m amazing,” she repeated, flitting from one task to the next. Later that night, my husband snickered at me for knocking over a glass of water on my nightstand. With supreme confidence, I rolled over, whacked him with my pillow and said, “I’m amazing.” It felt really good. So I found opportunities to say it again and again. All week I flaunted my “amazingness.” My husband actually liked the confidence I showed.
Maybe because I don’t feel amazing all the time, saying it out loud helped me remember the amazing person I am. And truth is, I am amazing. Look at everything I do as a mom. (And think about all you do, too.)
I’m a runny-nose wiper, boo-boo kisser, teardrop-blotter, mac-and-cheese cooker, dolly-fixer, jammie-zipper, Lego-picker-upper and on and on and on. But more importantly, it’s my job to mold young characters.
I strive to train my wee ones to be kind, polite and responsible and to trust God. I attempt to build their confidence by loving them. I snuggle on the sofa reading “Guess How Much I Love You” one more time. I shower them with “Great jobs!” and “You did its!” I kneel on the carpet constructing block castles for Cinderella and bat caves for caped crusaders. After every exhausting day, I hold my children in my arms and send up prayers, then kiss them good night . . . night after night. Sound familiar?
Yep, I’m amazing.
But then … I have a bad day. Hormones might trigger it or an irritable word at breakfast with my husband. Before I know it, I’m growling, grumping and even yelling at the kids. Amazing? Not me.
On one such rotten day, I got my four kids pottyed, washed, shoed and jacketed (a pleasant experience for all of us — ha!). Then we scrambled into the minivan for a trip to the grocery store. I hollered, “Settle down!” countless times and issued a final warning, “Don’t make me pull this car over!” Then I threw in a kids’ Scripture CD, thinking it would help them behave. And I heard this: “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” PSALM 139:14 (NASB)
Then it hit me. Sometimes I fail. Sometimes I do better. But whether I’m being a crummy mom or the perfect mom doesn’t change who I am. God made me — fearfully and wonderfully. That’s why I’m amazing.
And so are you!
Ocieanna Fleiss is an amazing mommy of four and serves in her MOPS Group in Auburn, Washington. She has written and edited for several publications.
This article originally appeared in the May/June 2007 issue of MomSense magazine.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
8 mo
Is mobile. completely.
eats puffs and smashed foods
say's dada
Still constantly watches his big sister
laughs unstoppably
looks like a 12 mo old
sleeps from 7pm to 7am :)
wears 12 mo- 18 mo clothing.
doesn't wear shoes
loves to snuggle
doesn't like his mama to be out of site
has fun at daycare
doesn't like to go out- he is the best baby until we go somewhere
let's us know when he is hungry
wears size 4 diapers
drinks water occasionally
has four top front teeth
has two bottom teeth
still has blue eyes!
has lily white skin
sleeps on his tummy
sucks his thumb
is loved by all he meets
Thursday, January 20, 2011
There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
But alas…I must say this last week has been enjoyable! Now I know what you are thinking….Karen, it’s only been a week…..but I think this is the start of a brand new Sylvie! She is communicating wonderfully and I believe that is the main ingredient for temper tantrums- not being able to express yourself the way you want. Now that she is older she can tell what she needs or wants- no worries. I am looking forward to spending more time with my daughter again!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Boy
Def. A boy. An Entity. Someone who is greatly loved.
n. This is my son, The Wade
Def. To be. To roll. To wait. To wade. To cry. To sleep. To crawl. To eat. To smile.
V. Instead of rolling, my son ‘wades’ around
V. My son hates to ‘wade’ on his mommy to make his dinner
Def. high pitched
Adv. He ‘Wadeily’ cried for me to not leave him
Def. Big.
Adj. He was born very Wadish!
Adj. Wow, he is Wade!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
We were watching it snow on Christmas day and Sylvie exclaimed 'Look- Christmas Flowers!'
We had a wonderful but very cliche Christmas- We had a white Christmas and Wade literally got his two front teeth Christmas day! Apparently Atlanta has not had a white Christmas in more than 100 Years. However, I remember very clearly a white Christmas sometime in the early 80's. I remember this because I fell down our front steps covered in ice and I got a rabbit fur coat (fake of course). And the ground was covered in snow- but it did NOT snow on Christmas that year. The weather reporters were saying that to have a white Christmas- it has to snow on Christmas. So this was my first ever white Christmas. Very magical.
Also- the definition of White Christmas- that's to Wikipedia.
Snowmen are everywhere
One morning before school- the week before Christmas- I was changing Wade's diaper on the changing table getting them ready for the day. She was standing beside me and started coughing. I was mid diapering so I could not help her immediately and she threw up on the floor. I told her it was okay and not to move- I would clean her up in a second. So she is staring at her throw up, upset, and she looks at it and say's "that's a snowman."
Sure enough, she threw up in the shape of a snowman.