Monday, October 25, 2010

5 mo.

I cannot believe my Wade is 5 mo old today! This has been the fastest 14 mo of my life. It feels like yesterday I was at the dr. office finding out about him. I can't help but think time only goes faster at this point.

*Wade at 5 mo.*
Rolls over
Sleeps on his tummy
sleeps from around 7pm to 7am
is about to crawl??!!
Still has blue eyes
east about 2 tbsp of oatmeal in the morning and about 5 tbsp at night
carrots are next
Sticks his bottom lip out when he is upset
might have a tooth soon
Wears 9 mo clothing
laughs when we tickle his tummy under his ribs
watches his sister constantly

*Sylvie at 2 yrs 2 mo*
Goes to sleep better when Wade is in the room
wears underpants sometimes- still doesn't have the potty down 100%
loves shoes. She wears her fancy white dress up shoes to school
Loves her brother but is sometimes too rough
loves her baby dolls, but is constantly too rough with them
watched a Disney movie for the first time recently, and ohhhh'ed and ahhhh'ed at the opening Princess castle
wants to watch the princess movie instead of Elmo most of the time
knows how to say what she wants.
likes to read, but not as much as she used to
loves stickers
likes to look at our photos of family on the wall
points to baby pictures of her, daddy and mommy and calls them all Wade
Except pictures of Peter- she knows they are Peter
knows how to count to 10 in espanol

likes catching up on all the Disney movies she missed out on- Princess and the Frog is my fav right now
wishes Sylvie would use the potty all the time
snuggles with Wade whenever possible
tries not to eat so much chocolate

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