Friday, July 16, 2010


Almost 2 years old
favorite food is baked beans by far
(followed closely be EVERYTHING else)
least favorite food- meat
about 27 lbs
knows tons of words and is a sponge!
gives kisses and hugs
loves her little brother. holds him and picks him up with mama's help
say's 'i love you mama and dada and wade'
loves elmo
is scared of thunder and static on the tv
goes to bed at 7- 7:30 pm
reads books- not as much as she used to though
loves to color (including the window and window sill)
eats oatmeal every morning

weighs about 14.5 lbs and is 24 in long
wears 0-3 mo clothes width wise and 3-6 mo clothes length wise
slightly smiles and laughs!
has the cutest pouty face i have ever seen
sleeps from about 9pm- 3ish am (this is new- hope I am not jinxing it!)
is not sleeping as much during the day
has a dairy/ soy allergy
loves his sister Sylvie and smiles mostly at her!
is the sweetest boy around!

weight and age unknown :)
is reading a book and has almost finished it! for the first time in two years!
is going back to work on monday
has completely cut out dairy of her diet for Wade- working on cutting out the soy
looks forward to 3pm when Ralph comes home
Will miss being with her babies all day when she goes back to work
thinks Sylvie is so smart and Wade is the cutest!
Loves kisses from both of them!

looks forward coming home from work to see his family!
has single handedly kept the Explorer running for the past two years
gives Sylvie her bath time and bed time
Sylvie looks forward to helping him take off his boots after work every day
gets an early morning Sylvie almost every day

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