Wade Ramsey Harrison was born on May 25 at 7:09 am. He was 11 lbs and 8 oz (!), 22" long w/ a head circumference of 15 1/4". Big boy! Who has an 11lb baby????
I scheduled my c section on the Friday before that Tuesday. I was not talked into it, just came to my senses I guess :) The doctors and midwives kept telling me he was going to be huge, and I guess my woman's intuition just confirmed it. There was no way I was going to not have a c section. And by murphy's law, I went into labor at 2am on Tuesday morning. I was having contractions every 3 min that lasted anywhere from 40 secs to 1min. I woke up and walked around, took a shower, and we were ready to go to the hospital around 3:40. One whole hour before we had to get to the hospital for our appointment. We ended up leaving early and getting there a little early. I was offered the chance to vbac- but after some consideration and just wanting to get the baby out- I decided against it. I was very nervous about the scheduled c section. The first c section was a relief- I was ready after 22 hours or so of labor. This time was completely different. I got the epidural and it was a little more intense than the first time (although I was relived about no more contractions!). On a side note, I have only met 4 anesthesiologists in my life- two at the birth of Sylvie and two at the birth of Wade- and all of them are just the best people with the greatest personalities! I wonder if it is a requirement for that job....
Anyhoo- All was good and baby was born. Doc showed him to me over the curtain, baby dropped some baby goop on my forehead (the first of many things he will spit, poop and pee on me) and then he went to be cleaned and he didn't cry. There was no noise! I kept remembering Sylvie crying by now, and kept asking why he wasn't crying. Everyone, including Ralph was saying all was good- to not stress me out. If I freaked out- I am pretty sure they would have knocked me out on meds. Ralph kept standing up and looking over the curtain to see what they were doing, then sitting back down and telling me all was good. He took some pictures, but I still cannot bring myself to look at them fully, it was kind of disturbing. It seemed like forever, finally they brought him around the curtain and I still had not heard a peep out of him, the NICU nurse was holding him and said they were taking him to NICU. I saw him for about 5 secs. So I went to the recovery room by myself, no phone or any connection to Ralph. My nurse was great and kept calling up to NICU. I heard her say '11 lbs and 8oz' and could not believe it. JEEZ that was a big baby. They would not let me leave recovery until I could move my legs. This took a long time, I actually have no idea how long, but I remembered with Sylvie it took longer than most people as well. Ralph came down to see me and told me what was going on and left my phone with me.
Turns out Wade was stained with meconium when he was born. He had breathed this in in the womb and had MAS
He had tubes in his belly and was put under an oxygen tent and hooked up all over. Poor little man! But look at the size of him.... JEEZ.
I was finally taken to my room and was told that I would be taken to see my baby as soon as possible, but I had to recover a some first! How hard that was. Ralph brought me pictures. I didn't get to see him until about 7pm at night, and even then I could not hold him.
The NICU nurses were absolutely great. They kept us informed and were always very sweet. Wade had an iv for nutrition, but nothing was entering his stomach. I think he finally ate some formula on Thursday morning. He was starving- just gnawing at his fist! And....Still not making much noise, which was okay at this point- he is just not a crier!Wade spent 5 days in the NICU, had plenty of medicine, xrays, and an echo. We were both discharged on Saturday, Wade with a clean bill of health!
Since Wade was not in the hospital room with us at all, Saturday night was our first night with him. It was not so bad. He sleeps anywhere from 2 1/2 hrs to almost 5 hours at a time (not always at night). He eats 4 oz at a time (!). I find myself worried that since he had no food for two days, that he is just starving all the time! I asked his pediatrician about this, he assured me that is not possible :)
As far as Sylvie goes- she was great! She stayed at Opa and Gram's house and I think she grew up while she was there. She says sentences now, asks for food or water when she wants it and I think grew about two inches! She visited the hospital but could not go into the NICU- so she had no idea why Ralph and I were in this room and mommy was in bed. She met Wade on the Saturday we were discharged. She did not pay him too much attention.
Now she will kiss him on the fore head and when we hold Wade she points at him and says his name. I am not sure she particularly cares for him though. She has been spending lots of time with daddy and now follows him around, not paying much attention to mommy who seems to be holding a baby a lot. :( I can only hope this goes away soon. I miss playing with my daughter!
I will post some non- tubed pictures of the sweet baby boy once we download them.
And thanks to everyone for your thoughts and well wished while we were in the hospital!
I scheduled my c section on the Friday before that Tuesday. I was not talked into it, just came to my senses I guess :) The doctors and midwives kept telling me he was going to be huge, and I guess my woman's intuition just confirmed it. There was no way I was going to not have a c section. And by murphy's law, I went into labor at 2am on Tuesday morning. I was having contractions every 3 min that lasted anywhere from 40 secs to 1min. I woke up and walked around, took a shower, and we were ready to go to the hospital around 3:40. One whole hour before we had to get to the hospital for our appointment. We ended up leaving early and getting there a little early. I was offered the chance to vbac- but after some consideration and just wanting to get the baby out- I decided against it. I was very nervous about the scheduled c section. The first c section was a relief- I was ready after 22 hours or so of labor. This time was completely different. I got the epidural and it was a little more intense than the first time (although I was relived about no more contractions!). On a side note, I have only met 4 anesthesiologists in my life- two at the birth of Sylvie and two at the birth of Wade- and all of them are just the best people with the greatest personalities! I wonder if it is a requirement for that job....
Anyhoo- All was good and baby was born. Doc showed him to me over the curtain, baby dropped some baby goop on my forehead (the first of many things he will spit, poop and pee on me) and then he went to be cleaned and he didn't cry. There was no noise! I kept remembering Sylvie crying by now, and kept asking why he wasn't crying. Everyone, including Ralph was saying all was good- to not stress me out. If I freaked out- I am pretty sure they would have knocked me out on meds. Ralph kept standing up and looking over the curtain to see what they were doing, then sitting back down and telling me all was good. He took some pictures, but I still cannot bring myself to look at them fully, it was kind of disturbing. It seemed like forever, finally they brought him around the curtain and I still had not heard a peep out of him, the NICU nurse was holding him and said they were taking him to NICU. I saw him for about 5 secs. So I went to the recovery room by myself, no phone or any connection to Ralph. My nurse was great and kept calling up to NICU. I heard her say '11 lbs and 8oz' and could not believe it. JEEZ that was a big baby. They would not let me leave recovery until I could move my legs. This took a long time, I actually have no idea how long, but I remembered with Sylvie it took longer than most people as well. Ralph came down to see me and told me what was going on and left my phone with me.
Turns out Wade was stained with meconium when he was born. He had breathed this in in the womb and had MAS
He had tubes in his belly and was put under an oxygen tent and hooked up all over. Poor little man! But look at the size of him.... JEEZ.

The NICU nurses were absolutely great. They kept us informed and were always very sweet. Wade had an iv for nutrition, but nothing was entering his stomach. I think he finally ate some formula on Thursday morning. He was starving- just gnawing at his fist! And....Still not making much noise, which was okay at this point- he is just not a crier!Wade spent 5 days in the NICU, had plenty of medicine, xrays, and an echo. We were both discharged on Saturday, Wade with a clean bill of health!
Since Wade was not in the hospital room with us at all, Saturday night was our first night with him. It was not so bad. He sleeps anywhere from 2 1/2 hrs to almost 5 hours at a time (not always at night). He eats 4 oz at a time (!). I find myself worried that since he had no food for two days, that he is just starving all the time! I asked his pediatrician about this, he assured me that is not possible :)
As far as Sylvie goes- she was great! She stayed at Opa and Gram's house and I think she grew up while she was there. She says sentences now, asks for food or water when she wants it and I think grew about two inches! She visited the hospital but could not go into the NICU- so she had no idea why Ralph and I were in this room and mommy was in bed. She met Wade on the Saturday we were discharged. She did not pay him too much attention.

I will post some non- tubed pictures of the sweet baby boy once we download them.
And thanks to everyone for your thoughts and well wished while we were in the hospital!
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