This is Baby Harrison #2 at 35 weeks! He was measuring about 8lbs and 39 weeks, we will see how accurate that is. I am not a fan of ultrasounds measuring accurately!
Ralph and I still have lots to do to get ready. I guess I should be doing that now......? Life has certainly gotten harder- taking care of an almost two year old at 9 mo pregnant is difficult to say the least. I cannot wait until I can pick Sylvie up and play with her on the floor like we used to. This pregnancy has been very different than the last. My most favorite difference is that my feet are barely swollen! When I was pregnant with Sylvie my feet were swollen for about 4 mo- so this is a nice change. I do not have to go out and buy new shoes to fit my about to pop feet.
We will be delivering Baby #2 at the new Northside in Forsyth- about 20 minutes from our house. Ralph and I took the tour today and I must say, this hospital is as nice as a spa! It is only about two years old and super nice. I cannot wait!
Sylvie is getting ready as well. She has met all sorts of new babies recently- her cousin Peter and best friend to be Liam. She loves to watch them and then get her dolls and pretend with her dolls. Very cute! I wonder what she will do when the baby doesn't go home after a few hours though. We will see!
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