Thursday, January 14, 2010


Sylvie McKenzie Harrison
17 months and 1 week old
-says 'hi' all the time
-calls me Nana, not Mama
-says Dada constantly!
-still gives great hugs
-now gives kisses! Mostly to her Dada
-loves to show off her tummy. Laughs when she see's Mama's tummy
-is very 'energy' conscious. She closes all doors. Turns off all lights that she can reach when we carry her. In the morning, she turns off her crib soother and lullaby seahorse to not waste the batteries when Ralph or I come and get her.
-loves her mini coupe that great grandfather gave her for Christmas. She will get in and out of her car all day long! Sometimes she has minor car accidents when she gets in and out, nothing serious but it does scare her. She crawls away from all accidents.
-will find our slippers and bring them to us and try to put them on. For this reason we sometimes call her 'sales lady'
-Still is the only girl in her class at 'school'. She says two of the boys names- Daniel and Nillo. Sometimes at dinner we ask where Daniel is. She will look around the room, and shake her head- no he's not here!
-uses a fork- def. not to the best of her ability
-has been waking up at night again for some reason. Cries for about 20 min at a time :(
-Still loves bathtime and bed time!
-loves books
-also loves to clean up (yes!)
-had her first serious illness over Christmas. At one point I has holding her and thought I burned my skin she was so hot with fever
- Mama couldn't love any little girl more!
-her teacher at daycare comments on how smart she is every day ;)
-and how bossy she is......when the babies need their diaper changed, the teacher just tells them that it is time and they walk over to the changing station. Some babies don't get this yet, so Sylvie pushes them along to the right place.
-she has a potty seat! So far- she likes to sit on it clothed
-has no idea that in 4 short months she will have a new cousin and a new brother!

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