I am not sure Sylvie knew that the day was any different, but she had a great 1st Christmas. Christmas Eve, not so much. She started teething on Christmas Eve night and woke up every hour and a half. Ralph and I were more tired on Christmas day than any other day- including the first days Sylvie was home! She now has two big girl teeth (and teething is not as horrible for her or us now!)
My friend Dawn made Sylvie this beautiful Christmas dress. It is so special and it is something that my family will cherish forever.

We had the whole family over for Christmas breakfast and present opening.
Which present would you like to take home?
Sylvie's first present was her Bumpo chair. She is such a big girl sitting up!
And she had her Mrs. Clause outfit on for Christmas morning. She wore this outfit to 'school' one day to be Santa's helper and see which kids were good for Santa. I think all of them passed- except for the one boy that held Sylvie's face down while she was on her tummy time- we won't name any names.

There was a small competition going on with who had the best Santa hat. Opa witt his Auburn Santa hat- or Jay with his Georgia Santa hat. You decide.
Early Christmas morning while we were comforting poor teething Sylvie, Ralph and I found on TV the Yule log 'show'. Ralph has never seen this- the TV station will play a 'show' of a fire and play Christmas tunes. Needless to say we Tivo'd it and played it during breakfast and present opening. I remember as a child having this on in the back ground on Christmas morning at my house. Hopefully this will be a new tradition- there is nothing cheesier than a fake fire on the TV.
Sylvie put on her party Christmas dress and we went off to the Pryor's for Christmas dinner.
Sylvie took her Bumpo chair and sat with cats. "Hey- do you come here often?"

Chirstmas is special for another reason- it is my wonderful fathers Bday! Ever since I can remember we have my moms yummy chocolate cake and open Christmas poppers after dinner. Her is Opa blowing out his candles with the noise maker that came in the popper.

I got a great family show with everyone at dessert (to all family- I promise I will send this to you soon- I need to do some color correcting!).

I had this great idea for an image showing what a great celebration we were having with everyone blowing their noise maker from their poppers. My instructions were to blow your noise maker. Instead of the party shot I imagined, I ended up with everyone concentrating and looking very serious. This next image is my favorite ever.

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