Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the Darwin award goes to.....

Wade :(

Two mornings in a row he has run out of the back door towards the car- faster than the automatic garage door can open. TWO DAYS IN A ROW he has run so fast he hits his head on the rising garage door.

When will he learn to duck?

The good news, he never cries. Just falls, looks back at Sylvie and I (me- trying not to laugh), gets up and continues running.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Wade is such a sweet potato! He is a snuggler at 21 months just like as a baby. He is just learning some words, besides the regulars- Daddy, Mama, up, and down. He says little sentences but usually only words a mama, daddy and big sister can understand. He has started sitting in a booster chair at the dinner table- next to his sister of course- they wouldn't have it any other way. They play with each other FINALLY. It starts with lots of laughter and always ends in tears from one of them or both. They do not share, and I wonder if they ever will!

He is a huge fan of the tv (don't judge- I enjoy the third parent as well). His favorite show is Yo Gabba Gabba, which usually leaves the whole family entranced. Wade knows when the show is about to be over- every episode he does the same thing. He realizes it's almost done, says 'UH OH' then searches the room with his eyes for the remote control. He finds it and runs to it, grabs it, brings it to either Ralph or I and say's 'GaouGaou' (his version of Gabba Gabba). So he might not talk to much, but the boy can communicate about tv. :)

This boy can sleep anywhere and everywhere (he's knows how to lay around like his mama!). On the weekends he is usually sprawled out on the couch, half on/ half on our lazy boy, and straight up laying about on the floor. He does a lot more than his sister did at this age, like juice drinking, bc he see's her do it and we tend to give in (as long as it is reasonably okay). I can tell they love each other and they certainly wonder where the other is when they are alone. It is amazing watching them grow and learn, and also watching them do it together. My life has just gotten a little easier now that Sylvie helps put Wade's shoes and socks on, holds his hand and she is also more independent. I wouldn't change a thing, but boy am I glad they are growing up :)

Sylvie- isms.

Driving home from dinner the other night- Sylvie just starts saying repeatedly at the top of her lungs- 'I LOVE MY HUSBAND!'. Who is this guy and how did we not know about him??

She got a birthday goodie bag from a class mates party at school. It contained heart shaped lip balm. She was applying this as I drove into our driveway. I pull in and Sylvie yells -'Mommy! You made the car bump while I was putting on my lipstick!' I turn around and she was chap stick all up her cheek. Oh lord, I just had a glimpse of my future and help me!! :)

One morning Sylvie gets up early (wait- that's every morning...) and she comes and gets me. We go into the living room to watch some early morning tv. She sits on the couch with me and has the most contemplative look on her face. I wonder what is happening in this 3.5 year olds mind. She says to herself as she looks around the room 'I wonder what teddy should sit with me'. Gets up to a teddy on the floor and says, again to herself, 'this one is perfect, his legs move so he can sit' and climbs on the couch and sits him in her lap.
OH the troubles of a three year old!

We have had trouble with teeth brushing. This basically is my problem- bc I can NEVER remember to brush her teeth in the morning. I have a new system where Sylvie gets a sticker if we brush her teeth twice a day. This makes her and I both remember. I have told her the sticker is from the Tooth Fairy, and to give this story some magic appeal, I try to hide from her when I get the sticker from the hall closet. We have been doing this for about a month and it is working great! One morning we go thru the motions and I tell her to wait for her sticker in the kitchen. She runs by the hall closet, opens the door and informs me 'mommy. That's where the Tooth Fairy is', all proud. Then tells me that her friend Jada wants to come over and see the Tooth Fairy in our closet. I can just picture that conversation with her friends. ....YES the Tooth Fairy lives in MY closet!