Wednesday, January 26, 2011

8 mo

Wade at 8mo
Is mobile. completely.
eats puffs and smashed foods
say's dada
Still constantly watches his big sister
laughs unstoppably
looks like a 12 mo old
sleeps from 7pm to 7am :)
wears 12 mo- 18 mo clothing.
doesn't wear shoes
loves to snuggle
doesn't like his mama to be out of site
has fun at daycare
doesn't like to go out- he is the best baby until we go somewhere
let's us know when he is hungry
wears size 4 diapers
drinks water occasionally
has four top front teeth
has two bottom teeth
still has blue eyes!
has lily white skin
sleeps on his tummy
sucks his thumb
is loved by all he meets

Thursday, January 20, 2011

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

About 9mo ago Sylvie began her terrible two’s. This was a dark time in the Harrison household. I rarely took my daughter out in public, and when I did I prepared myself for public embarrassment. I have often wondered- why are every else’s kids so well behaved in the mall, in the daycare parking lot, at the playground, etc? I finally realized that I never saw any kids Sylvie’s age out (I think I just told myself this to make me feel better…).
But alas…I must say this last week has been enjoyable! Now I know what you are thinking….Karen, it’s only been a week…..but I think this is the start of a brand new Sylvie! She is communicating wonderfully and I believe that is the main ingredient for temper tantrums- not being able to express yourself the way you want. Now that she is older she can tell what she needs or wants- no worries. I am looking forward to spending more time with my daughter again!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Boy


Def. A boy. An Entity. Someone who is greatly loved.

n. This is my son, The Wade

Def. To be. To roll. To wait. To wade. To cry. To sleep. To crawl. To eat. To smile.

V. Instead of rolling, my son ‘wades’ around

V. My son hates to ‘wade’ on his mommy to make his dinner

Def. high pitched

Adv. He ‘Wadeily’ cried for me to not leave him

Def. Big.

Adj. He was born very Wadish!

Adj. Wow, he is Wade!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


We were watching it snow on Christmas day and Sylvie exclaimed 'Look- Christmas Flowers!'

We had a wonderful but very cliche Christmas- We had a white Christmas and Wade literally got his two front teeth Christmas day! Apparently Atlanta has not had a white Christmas in more than 100 Years. However, I remember very clearly a white Christmas sometime in the early 80's. I remember this because I fell down our front steps covered in ice and I got a rabbit fur coat (fake of course). And the ground was covered in snow- but it did NOT snow on Christmas that year. The weather reporters were saying that to have a white Christmas- it has to snow on Christmas. So this was my first ever white Christmas. Very magical.

Also- the definition of White Christmas- that's to Wikipedia.

Snowmen are everywhere

Sylvie has been coughing a lot recently- we deal with this every winter. This year is a little different, she has been coughing so much that she throws up! It is not pleasant for any of us. Now that she knows what throw up is, she walks around telling everyone NOT to throw up. Her dollies are not to throw up, she tells Wade and mommy and daddy not to throw up all the time. Wade does throw up constantly (welcome to my life....) so she is constantly worrying for him and telling him it is okay.
One morning before school- the week before Christmas- I was changing Wade's diaper on the changing table getting them ready for the day. She was standing beside me and started coughing. I was mid diapering so I could not help her immediately and she threw up on the floor. I told her it was okay and not to move- I would clean her up in a second. So she is staring at her throw up, upset, and she looks at it and say's "that's a snowman."
Sure enough, she threw up in the shape of a snowman.