Saturday, September 25, 2010

Beach vacation day Seven

-Sylvie understands counting, and does not just recite the numbers. She counted three of her stickers that she had put all over the coffee table!
-A step in the right direction- Sylvie took off her shoes on the beach, and even walked in loose sand
-my air brushed t shirts are the best
-P and W held hands. they liked it
- P and W do kind off look alike
-have to pack and then home tomorrow :(

Friday, September 24, 2010

Beach vacation day six

-Sylvie now counts the stairs as she goes up and down
-She also almost strangled Wade by his bib (and why didn't the Velcro release??)
-I bought my airbrushed t shirts today. One for each member of my family, but Ralph didn't want one. Does he know something i don't? Pictures will follow, of course
-Sylvie had her first pierce of corn on the cob. she loved it!
-i would def not mind eating here again:
-last day tomorrow. sad.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beach vacation day five

-time really does fly when you are having fun
-wade found his voice (his real voice, not the gym rat, transsexual voice mama gave him). he 'talks' constantly
-Sylvie now will walk in the sand with her beach shoes off, and walk in loose sand!
-vacation with two children two and under (does not) = a 'vacation'
I now know the difference b/t vacation and family trip.
-Wade and Peter held hands and played on the same play mat. i think they like each other
-i would drive 5 hours just to eat here:
-when i die i bet i will have 1 million pictures of the sunrise and sunset. i love it.
-i miss cable. (Jersey shore is ridiculous)
-i cannot sleep on a hard mattress. i am so sore
-bugs think i am sweet. my ankles are insanely bug bitten
-wade is so happy all of the time again! he is smiling and laughing constantly (in between talkings)

Beach vacation day four

-Wade is back to his old shenanigans. Teething maybe?
-Sylvie's fear of the sand is getting more intense.
-Sylvie likes to run out in the street
-Making gym rat voices for Peter and Wade will never get old. (Ralph say's my voice for W sounds like a transsexual).
-Wade has rice cereal! We tried to feed it to him, he doesn't know how to eat. So I put it in his bottle. I am a little upset it is so early, but he seems insatiable!
-Highly recommended restaurants still can be horrible
-After tonight I will never take my daughter out past 6pm for dinner while my son is teething.
-when my kids act up, It is a direct reflection on my parenting.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Beach vacation day three

-Sylvie is a true diva. She refused to wear Ralph's t shirt on the beach, for fear that it covered up her CUTE bathing suit.
-Wade sleeps. a lot.
-I don't know how Groupon works. i am pretty sure i just bought 4.
-Sylvie can say the whole alphabet with no mistakes. She can count to 10 on her own and 15 with help. she always omits the number two. when
- i ask her how many eyes she has- she has five. and four ears.
-Wade found his toes.
-I witnessed Sylvie using the potty for the first time ever. We had a party in the bathroom.
-I keep worrying that this vacation will go by too fast. that means it is going by too fast.
-i am still waiting on my air brushed t shirt.
- Sylvie wanted to go to bed for the first time ever. she said she was tired.
-the sun def. makes everyone sleepy.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Beach vacation day two

-While Sylvie likes to get up for sunrise, she does not like to watch it on the beach.
-As usual, things can change day to day- Sylvie did not like the sand this morning. but we didn't have her special beach shoes on, so that might have been the problem.
-Ralph makes a darn good grilled pizza.
-naps after lunch rock (for mama and babies)
-I really want an airbrushed t shirt. we will see how this progresses.

Beach vacation day one

What I have learned today:
-toddlers make friends with everyone. At the McDonald's play ground somewhere in GA, Sylvie and a three year old boy were playing like they had known each other for years. He tried to get her to go across the tunnel to the slide, but she wouldn't go. Maybe she is afraid of heights?
When he was leaving, he went in for the kiss. Sylvie looked SO worried (my parents are watching!). She quickly looked at us and then turned her cheek to intercept. Then she pat him on the back. GOOD GIRL.
-Sylvie likes the beach and sand, but in true Sylvie fashion- only with the right shoes. Thanks to Nina, Sylvie has a pair of beach shoes and she will not go in the sand with out them!
-Apparently, things have changed since the last time I went to the beach. NEVER leave your shoes unattended. My beautiful Haviana flip flops were stolen. :(
-Wade is probably the best baby I have known (even better than Sylvie was at this age)
-I will never take my daughter out past 7pm for dinner.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Such a big girl!

Sylvie went peepee in the potty today at school! TWICE! We get a daily 'what I did at school today' paper and the teachers ever so diligently marks every time your child gets a diaper change or goes potty (I wonder at what age this stops?). When the child goes in the potty there is a smiley face by the time. And we had TWO smiley faces today! So of course when I get home from work I expect her to just peepee in the potty constantly. nope. none in the potty at home. and a couple of melt downs over diapers too. ugh.


Mommy and Wade were sitting in the recliner snuggling. Sylvie comes up and climbs on me too. Looks my straight in the eye and say's:
'mommy. Imm Sylvie. I baby."
and lays down on me.


After Sylvie has put on her pj's after her bath, I tell her to go and say goodnight to daddy and wade while I get her room ready for bedtime (i.e. put up the baby gate so she can't get out at night).
Tonight she said goodnight to daddy and hugged him. Goodnight to wade and hugged and kissed him. and then ran up to her crate full of dollies and said:
"gddd. gdddoood. nite. dollies"
and hugged and kissed all of them.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A glimps into our nights

Wade is teething
Sylvie knows who Glen Burns is and screams out his name when he comes on
Sylvie tries to put things in Wade's hands. We have to tell her his hands don't work as well as hers do.
I talk louder to Sylvie when she does not listen to me
Sylvie now sits in a chair at the dinner table- not her high chair
Wade is still in his bassinet
I cried a little when I put the bassinet sheets away- when we thought we were moving him into the pack n play. because after Wade is out of the bassinet we have no need for it.
I savoy and store in a special place in my heart every new thing Wade does as a baby.I am not expecting any more babies to see them grow!
When Sylvie does new things, I get excited that I have one more baby to see grow!
Someone at work said that girls step on your feet when they are little and step on your heart when they are older. I will never get mad at Sylvie again for stepping on my feet.

Friday, September 3, 2010


I totally got the last past wrong. whoopsie! Here is how it REALLY happened......
Dada: Sylvie, which kind of Hamburger Helper do you want for dinner tonight?
Sylvie: Burger with cheese?
Dada: Oh no Sylvie, it's Hamburger Helper. Which kind do you like?
Sylvie: NO burger helper. No burger helper. Burger with cheese!
See. much funnier. maybe. who knows.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Disclaimer: We really do not eat out at fast food that much. I am not sure where she picked this up from.
AND why are all my posts about food?
Dada: Sylvie, do you want Hamburger Helper for dinner tonight?
Sylvie: Burger with cheese!
Dada: Oh no Sylvie, it's Hamburger Helper.
Sylvie: Burger with cheese? I want burger with cheese! Burger with cheese!