Sylvie McKenzie Harrison
9 months and 7 days old
20 lbs- 68%
29in long- 90%
wears 12 month size clothes
wears size 3 diapers
loves carrots and bananas
her hair is starting to grow longer around her ears
has the best sounding giggle
will scootch on her butt to reach her toys
has just started to roll over on her own
loves bath time and bedtime
sleeps 12 hours a night
looks for Addy to lick her hands at dinner time
is so intrigued with her toy train
does not like her bouncy as much anymore
has 8 teeth
is still a homebody
her best friend ( besides mommy and daddy) is Nillo at daycare
Loves Miss Annie from daycare
say's 'dada', 'mama' (sometimes), and 'hi-hi-hi-hi'