Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lazy Saturdays

Happy Valentines Day!

On Valentines Day, it was 'Wear Your PJ's Day!' at daycare. I was a little embarrassed, because Sylvie often wears her PJ's to daycare- I didn't know this was only for special occasions. She is just a baby and I believe she should be comfortable.
On a side note, I was also a little embarrassed when I dropped her off one day and realized all the little babies had on SHOES! Even the newborn, 7 week old babies had shoes on! Sylvie only wears socks. and sometimes they don't match.

So her class had a group picture at daycare and all the moms and dads got to take home a copy. You can barely see Sylvie in the back. She is stretching her neck so that she can be in the shot.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

6 month check up

Sylvie had her 6 month check up and shots and she is very healthy. She does not like her shots, but I think we all knew that. I feel sorry for her nurse. She is very distinct looking with spiky hair and colorfull glasses. I am afraid that every time Sylvie see's her from now on she will know what to expect. The nurse must be the most feared women in that doctors office!
After her shots Sylvie got a sticker from her daddy. She held on tight to that sticker all the way home while screaming. It was kinda cute (not the screaming part).
Sylvie is not the chubby baby that she was born as. Up until now she was in the 95th percentile for weight, length and head size (with 50% being average). She is now still in the 95th percentile for length, but 65th for weight and head size. So her brain must be getting smaller and she is going to be tall!

Sylvie with her sticker..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sleeping through the night!

and it only took Sylvie two days to master sleeping through the night. We are so proud. Now I wonder how long it will take for Ralph and I to be able to sleep through the night. We both are so used to waking up at 3am too!

Monday, February 2, 2009

6 months

To celebrate Sylvie's 6 month birthday yesterday, we decided to try and break her habit of waking up at 3am.
Poor Sylvie.
She woke up at 3am and cried for one whole hour. I checked on her once and she had tears running down her little face. It was very sad.
The moment she stopped crying Ralph's alarm went off for him to wake up for work.
Poor Ralph.
'They' say this should take three days. I hope tonight is easier for everyone!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

March of Dimes walk

On April 5 my sisiter -in- law Katherine and I will be walking to support the March of Dimes. So far, we have only two people on our team! Please help by joining us on the walk or by donating to this important cause. You can clink on the link on the left for both. I have learned by becoming a parent how important it is to get prenatel care, and to provide this for all women. We are so lucky that Sylvie was born healthy and I hope that one day... all babies will be born healthy.

today... too many moms and families know the heartbreak of having a baby born fighting to survive

I've joined March for Babies because the March of Dimes champions the needs of moms and babies in our community and across the nation. The money we raise for March for Babies will help:

- support all-important research offering preventions and solutions for babies born too soon or with birth defects

- educate women on things they can do to increase their chances of having a healthy baby

- provide comfort and information to families with a newborn in intensive care

- push for newborn screening and health insurance for all pregnant women and children

The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.

Second Meal

Sylvie's second meal was Peas! She was very confused at first - wondering where her smooth, orange carrots were- but towards the end she was enjoying them just as much.

Thursday's with Mommy

Mommy has Thursday's off from work to spend time with sweet Sylvie. I enjoy this day so much, but I think Sylvie misses her frineds at 'school'! I can tell by the end of the day that she is bored with Mommy and craves the constant stimulation of 'school'. So we now have activities scheduled all day- and picture time is one of them. She loves it I am sure.

Sitting up & Toes

Sylvie is learning new things every day! She is now sitting up on her own for a couple of minutes on her own......and she has found her toes......and loves them.
At this rate, she will be getting her PhD any day now.

First Meal

Sylvie had carrots at her first meal, and she loves them! She is a born eater. At the hospital she took right to breastfeeding ( she had to wait on mom to get it right) and she knew exactly what to do when we put a spoon full of orange stuff in her mouth.
Of course I had to document it. Mom and Dad need to work on getting more of the carrots in her mouth.
Mommy gets to feed Sylvie all the time, so Daddy is really enjoying his time feeding Sylvie.

A night away

Ralph and I went to our good friends Josh and Laurens Beautiful wedding in January. It was gorgeous and we had a great time. Here is a fam shot.
Sylvie stayed the night with Aunt Rochelle and Uncle Sassan. She had a great time! Here is Sylvie, Uncle Sassan and Rufus.
Their kitties loved Sylvie, and vice versa. They played with Sylvie on her mat.

Thank you so much for giving Ralph and I a night out!


The reason Baby Harrison doesn't post so much is becuase it takes SO long to upload the pics on eblogger. And you can only do one picture at a time. Does anyone know how to do this more effectively? Baby Harrison does not have time in the day to eat, poop, nap AND post. Any helpful suggestions would be great.

New Years 2009!

Sylvie as the New Years baby!

Nap Time

Daddy & Sylvie nap time. Some one had too much milk. She will hate this picture later in life, I am sure of it.